• A Chain Of Solutions And Services For Building The Reputation Wall
  • A Chain Of Solutions And Services For Building The Reputation Wall

    The world of corporate reputation management has been going through a sea of changes over the last few years and it takes in-depth knowledge and years of rich experience to bring-in the best version of it. In tandem with the increasing number of tales, rumours and negative comments, businesses are becoming more conscious about managing their online reputation on a timely basis. It is here corporate reputation management services providers come into picture who primarily aim at restoring the reputation of companies while bringing down the negative links of their website. They also ensure to blend the best of latest technologies with their existing practices and methods to deliver nothing less than the best to their customers.

Company Spotlight

Reputation Is More Than Just Good Name!!!

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor

Your Three Keys To Successful Learning & Development Technology

Luciana Amaro, VP - Talent Development & Strategy, Basf

Personality Development - Analogy Of Human Pyramid

Damodar Padhi, VP & Global Head ­ Talent Development, TCS

Saas Explosion & Integration Into Existing Digital Solutions

Kunal Prasad, Co-Founder & COO, Cropin

Optimizing Office Environment For Increased Productivity & Collaboration

Beau Wilder, VP - Innovation Waves & New Products, Plantronics

Character vs. Competence: What Does Your Company Value?

Ranjan Mishra, Vice President - Human Resources, Vodafone