
How to make Your Existing Infrastructure Work Harder than you Do?

Preethi Menon, Vice President & Head - Practices, Clover Infotech Performance Tuning is the Key
This could be you, or worse, this could be you losing a customer!Imagine yourself as being a loan officer for one of the leading banks in the country, ready to help customers know their loan eligibility and the amount they could avail to realize their long due dreams and to help them to get into a long and mutually profitable relationship with your organization. One day, an existing customer decides that it is better and quicker to directly visit the branch and get first-hand information about a loan he wishes to avail. He shares all his financial information and earnings for you to punch in data into the system and get him a good loan offer. But, it has been over a minute and your credit checking application hasn’t thrown any result yet. In the meantime, the customer has revisited in his mind the loan offers from two other banks and has also received a call from a third. Your bank’s initial impression about its loan services will not be up to the mark and potentially a reason for customer attrition. Can you possibly make a comeback here? Maybe, if your bank can afford to give him a great deal. But, the key take away here is, how do you address such performance issues that have a direct impact on business and is responsible for you losing customers every day, every hour, and every minute?

The Need
Businesses today are facing a pressing need to optimize their operational cost and deliver high performance to stay numero uno on the customer’s preference list. As competition is getting stiffer, organizations are ceaselessly looking to cut corners as optimization turns into a mantra for business success - from resources and NPAs to OPEX and infrastructure. With OPEX and resources being infrastructure-dependent, there is a proportionate rise in both with an increase in the organization’s infrastructure. Thus, for most of the organizations, this leaves no room for further investments for upgrades or basically any major enhancement. This makes the organization run its operations on a deteriorating infrastructure – both
applications and databases. The end customers and eventually the business faces the repercussions of the diminishing business efficiency.

As performance tuning services can be used to optimize the performance of any application or platform, it finds demand across industries

What Businesses Achieve?
This is where Performance Optimization comes across as an ideal solution for organizations that aim to maintain operational efficiency, while keeping a check on additional expenditure. Performance Tuning services minimize the cost of performance enhancement and that too with the existing infrastructure and without additional purchases or upgrades. Optimizing your existing application and database infrastructure not only helps you get more value out of your existing investments, but also lets you ensure better operational efficiency without any significant investment.

How is it Done?
Performance Tuning services begin with a detailed audit of the customer’s infrastructure to identify the key problem areas and the performance hindrances that need to be addressed. It could be a result of increased load on an application, badly written codes, delay in query response time, or even issues with the database’s performance. The audit helps in identifying these performance hurdles and devise a plan of action. This also helps in estimating a performance goal and to plan a tuning approach. Once the tuning process is complete, optimum parameters can be identified to ensure best performance for the application/platform. This could result in significant performance enhancement, in some cases, it could be as impressive as more than 95 percent as compared to pretuning levels.

Adoption Trends Across Industry Sectors
As performance tuning services can be used to optimize the performance of any application or platform, it finds demand across industries. Additionally, for companies that have already made huge infrastructure investments, the possibility of achieving more value from it through tuning and not having to opt for regular upgrades and purchases makes perfect business sense. This becomes imperative for businesses that have customer facing infrastructure, as the customer attrition rate increases with every unpleasant first-hand experience. Opting for this service not only saves a lot of cost in terms of investment, but also in terms of resources required to support the additional purchases and upgrades.

The Future
The service comes as a much-needed resolution for performance issues with enterprise applications and platforms. Especially, at a time when organizations are looking to minimize CAPEX and infrastructure cost, and are hunting for solutions to achieve more with their existing ecosystem. It extends the shelf life of the IT infrastructure, eventually making it a more profitable investment with greater ROI. Performance Tuning service is rapidly finding its place in business sustenance and growth plans across organizations. Have you ensured that your IT infrastructure and applications and performing at optimum levels?