How Indians Are Getting More Discerning While Buying A Mattress

There is a mattress revolution underway globally and on home ground. With the entry of new age brands striving to demystify the mattress space in the country, there is much more transparency and accountability. Consumers too have better under standing of the different mattress models and types as compared to some years back. They are being enlightened and wooed by these well-researched, international standard brands.
Global Mattress market report reveals that the global mattress market is expected to grow over a CAGR of seven percent during 2019-2025 in terms of value and over a CAGR of four percent in terms of volume. The Indian mattress market is growing at a CAGR of nine percent and is projected to reach Rs.14,000 crore by 2021. The online market is slated to grow at an even faster pace, as it is estimated to reach Rs.290 crore by next year. There is ample proof that the action in this sphere is well justified.
Rising income levels and greater need to invest in wellbeing along with evolved need for comfort with aesthetics has only pushed sale of mattresses amongst the burgeoning urbanites. Adding to it is the rapid growth in the real estate and hospitality sector catering to the aspirational, well travelled buyer for whom true luxury is defined by comfort.
With a day designated to sleep and books being authored by influential personalities such as Arianna Huffington on how to sleep better in today's times, the spotlight has increased on the importance of sleep. The need for a beauty sleep has become more real, and people are realizing the role a good bed plays in it.
Comfort and functionality of product are the main draws for the modern day mattress buyer. Keeping with changing times, mattress manufacturers are also getting
creative, trying to meet the needs of the customers by enhancing the sleeping experience with a quality offering coupled with personalized treatment.
The discerning buyers are happy to shop from online brands that offer real time experience along with a highly developed product that in-stills confidence. The competitive mattress brands in lieu strive to save the precious time of customers by even sending across their offering as a trial while maintaining standardized prices that make their product affordable for the value being offered. Customers are no more bogged-down by the thought of going looking for a mattress with the off-putting prospect of getting stuck in a traffic jam, navigating a crowded shop and dealing with disinterested shop assistants.
Mattress buying has come a long way from being seen as a chore to being an indulgence worth spending on. With an integrated shopping experience platform, customers are actually enjoying weighing their options and selecting one to their utmost satisfaction. Now, customers know while ordering if they prefer latex or spring and even the right amount of firmness for their age and lifestyle. It is no more just the family decision maker ordering mattresses but the whole family taking an active interest in the decision. After all, once bought, people consider changing it only after 7-10 years; so want it to be the best. While doing the interiors of a house, the personal space has become just as important to deck-up and the bed being the center piece is getting its rightful due.
According to a research by U.S. based agency Walker, it is the customer experience that will finally overtake all other factors to become the main brand differentiator by 2020. With better communication owing to the mobile and internet age, customers too are happy to have their doubts cleared and queries revolved. Unlike earlier when the buying process was impersonal, it is now proactive, responding to every need of buyers. With various social media channels of these mattress players, the buyers get to gather information and voice their ideas & opinions on a particular product, service or company. The popularization of digital payment options has fuelled online buying.
There is a definite shift towards awareness of sleep as the third wheel for our health, the other two being food and exercise. Globally, mat-tresses with health and safety certifications are a norm, and the trend is catching on in India. This means that consumers are becoming more aware, which is a positive thing. Mattresses are treated on par with food in the western countries, and India is moving slowly towards regulating this industry as well. The consumers are increasingly looking for mattress and pillows that meet their health needs and give support to their spine. They are also conscious of the material being used and prefer eco-friendly, breathable material that is health friendly and ergonomically suitable.
As India continues its journey towards a stronger economy, the demand for customized and luxury mattresses will only grow, as companies will vie for their attention through innovative ways utilizing technology and resources for maximum mileage.
The discerning buyers are happy to shop from online brands that offer real time experience along with a highly developed product that in-stills confidence. The competitive mattress brands in lieu strive to save the precious time of customers by even sending across their offering as a trial while maintaining standardized prices that make their product affordable for the value being offered. Customers are no more bogged-down by the thought of going looking for a mattress with the off-putting prospect of getting stuck in a traffic jam, navigating a crowded shop and dealing with disinterested shop assistants.
Mattress buying has come a long way from being seen as a chore to being an indulgence worth spending on. With an integrated shopping experience platform, customers are actually enjoying weighing their options and selecting one to their utmost satisfaction. Now, customers know while ordering if they prefer latex or spring and even the right amount of firmness for their age and lifestyle. It is no more just the family decision maker ordering mattresses but the whole family taking an active interest in the decision. After all, once bought, people consider changing it only after 7-10 years; so want it to be the best. While doing the interiors of a house, the personal space has become just as important to deck-up and the bed being the center piece is getting its rightful due.
With a day designated to sleep, and books being authored by influential personalities such as Arianna Huffington on how to sleep better in today's times, the spotlight has increased on the importance of sleep
According to a research by U.S. based agency Walker, it is the customer experience that will finally overtake all other factors to become the main brand differentiator by 2020. With better communication owing to the mobile and internet age, customers too are happy to have their doubts cleared and queries revolved. Unlike earlier when the buying process was impersonal, it is now proactive, responding to every need of buyers. With various social media channels of these mattress players, the buyers get to gather information and voice their ideas & opinions on a particular product, service or company. The popularization of digital payment options has fuelled online buying.
There is a definite shift towards awareness of sleep as the third wheel for our health, the other two being food and exercise. Globally, mat-tresses with health and safety certifications are a norm, and the trend is catching on in India. This means that consumers are becoming more aware, which is a positive thing. Mattresses are treated on par with food in the western countries, and India is moving slowly towards regulating this industry as well. The consumers are increasingly looking for mattress and pillows that meet their health needs and give support to their spine. They are also conscious of the material being used and prefer eco-friendly, breathable material that is health friendly and ergonomically suitable.
As India continues its journey towards a stronger economy, the demand for customized and luxury mattresses will only grow, as companies will vie for their attention through innovative ways utilizing technology and resources for maximum mileage.