
Corporate Training In Emerging Technologies: The Only Way To Future Proof Our Workforce

Abhaya Rao, Senior Business Manager, Cognixia Headquartered in New York, EXL fuses its expertise in AI, Machine Learning and Data Analysis to help clients gain a competitive edge with respect to organizational operations and streamlined functionality.

When technological innovations cause disruptions, skill development and training can help our workforce drift strongly along the tide and enable business to stay ahead of the curve. Recent years have brought unprecedented transformation in the technology sector forcing enterprises to redefine their longstanding strategies. The future will further see path breaking innovations that will raise customer expectations significantly. Is our workforce ready for such disruptions? Working with newer technologies, methodologies and products, as well as growing along with change is imperative, but not as straight forward. It requires an open mindset and much dedication and effort on the part of an individual and an organization.

It is estimated that by the year 2020, more than $216 billion will be spent every year on cloud services. Enterprises will move their workloads to cloud, making seamless adoption and successful deployment a necessity. This implies that cloud and distributed computing skills will be in high demand. To meet this demand, professionals would need to invest in upskilling & reskilling themselves. As the saying goes, 'every dark cloud has a silver lining,’ challenges posed by innovation and disruption when overcome, can open the gates of innumerable opportunities. Organizations have realized this, and over the last few years, Learning & Development teams have taken the front seat in driving change and building an environment of learning. Senior Managements have taken bold steps and the message is clear for the workforce – 'upgrade'. According to a research, the shelf-life of tech skills is only about five years, and 60 percent of the jobs that are estimated to be in demand after 10 years do not exist yet.

Today, enterprises have to battle against the disparity between the quick and the delayed workforce. And this battle will become fiercer in the future. The quick workforce comprises of the proactive professionals eager to fill their quiver of skills with the latest technologies. These professionals not only foresee the technological trends, but also continuously upgrade themselves. The delayed professionals are those who have lost their anchor in the sands of time. Due to being overwhelmed by innovation and disruption, these professionals have become specimens of anachronism.
Evaluate the Strengths & Weaknesses of Your Workforce and Drive Learning
With so many different learning solutions and methodologies out there, having the insight to take the best learning path that serves the needs of our workforce is important for the success of a learning & development program and an organization in the long term. An L&D therefore, must understand business and continuously interact with tech teams to identify the skill gaps. They must also interact with senior management to understand the long-term vision and have visibility to the growth plan and future perspective. L&D teams must also get the buy-in of senior management in building a learning environment in the organization, senior management must be the first to participate.

" Corporate training not only enhances productivity and reduces error, but also provides a competitive advantage, if managed well"

Customize Your Training
The education & training industry is no exception to technological disruptions. A significant contribution of the changing technology landscape has been the rise of collaborative learning and development, Learning Management Systems(LMS) and terms like byte-sized learning, mlearning. The expectation is to make learning faster, simpler, accessible and most importantly, effective. The one-size-fits-all approach is no longer appropriate. Many organizations have gone completely online for learning, while others prefer classroom interventions. After we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our workforce, the next step is to work with training partners to build customized training deliverables based on the insights from our evaluation.

Be Creative with Your Course Deliverables
Content and design are the backbone of our course. While hands-on exercises have historically had the best effect in technology programs, other aspects like primer webinars and post-training sessions for query handling have been known to have a positive effect, thus turning training into a program, a package. Pre & Post test evaluations help in understanding the ROI of the training to some extent; however, analyzing the application of the learning in projects over time gives the best idea of ROI and corrective action to incorporate the learning, which would be used in projects increases this ROI.

Partner with a Professional Training Provider
With numerous training organizations providing a slew of different solutions, finding a quality-oriented learning partner committed to imparting comprehensive training can play an instrumental role in helping our workforce gain the competitive advantage in a cut-throat industry.

The advent and adoption of digital technologies in a short span has made the workplace skill-constrained. Corporate training not only enhances productivity and reduces error, but also provides a competitive advantage, if managed well. Technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning & AI, DevOps, Cloud Computing & BigData to name a few, have already caused massive disruption in the business landscape, and the most incredible fact is that this is just the beginning. Training in emerging technologies can be one of the best ways to fill the gap of demand and supply of adept professionals.