
How Technology is Revolutionizing Education Sector

Rohit Manglik, CEO, EduGorillaWith access to the high-speed internet, this decade has been full of ideas, creativity, innovation and digital wisdom. We’ve been watching how the rapid spread of technology is changing our world at a faster pace. Every professional and almost every student has a smartphone in his pocket. Technology is helping to learn and teach in ways that are easier, faster and less expensive. For the past two decades, it has also been on the forefront of changing the way we research.

Impact of E-Learning & Digital Education Providers
Today digital learning is not just confined to classrooms but is all about keeping pace with the time. And it is the internet that has provided it the space to be at all places, as it is, at the same time. Adding to this, Ed-tech firms have been mastering the art of providing quality education to students of all ages.Unlike a classroom method, the aim of Ed-tech firms is to improve upon or invent newer methods and techniques to make learning interactive and provide customized learning solutions. They assist the students to learn at their own pace. Live & interactive modules, online worksheets, practice and challenge sets that can be accessed from any corner of the world are the amazing advantages of online education. There is also the option of edutainment for to make lessons a fun-filled experience. According to one estimate, educational technologies are now becoming the reason for the progress or advancement of around a billion people globally. Investors are investing millions of dollars in the education technology for further development, and they’re getting positive results. The US, which has always enjoyed the environment that is ideal for ed-tech development, has been expanding it globally.India, on the other hand, has some very interesting ed-tech startups with some exceptionally talented entrepreneurs. It is high-time for educational experts and policymakers to seriously think about how to sync ed-tech with the current education system to bring about absolute transformation in the Indian education system.

With the advent of low-cost Chinese computers and mobile devices, there is an ever-growing number of students of higher education using technology for learning and research in India. Then there are many ed-tech firms that are collaborating and working with private and government institutes to develop technology-based educational products. The markets of e-Learning based products and services of India, is growing at a breakneck speed. It is expected that the technology-based learning will give a big boost to many other businesses and services in the country, in the years to come.

The e-Learning revolution
In India, the educational startups provide a consortium of education that strives to remove the boundaries between teachers and students. In other words, not only does it act as a conclave of students to promote online learning but also provides
alternative solutions to their problems via digital infrastructure and latest communications technologies. These digital dormitories working to revolutionize the online teaching by changing the face of education in India, are also building a robust framework of student connectivity across the country. For financially weaker students, this route is the most appropriate, inexpensive, and of course, an engaging one. It facilitates students with the online study material that can be assessed 24 x 7, from any corner of the country or world. It offers digitalized course content and learning resources like video lectures, interactive quizzes, self-assessment tools, presentations, slideshows and forums where students can experience a one stop that is a blend of classroom, library and peer interaction.

With the aid of AI and Machine Learning, it would be easy for students to get access to education remotely. Although this method can be used to educate both children and adults, it is unlikely that it will replace teachers with robots or machines

This digital mode respects every student’s pace of learning. It gifts the treasure of online learning materials available in almost every subject that can be translated into any language through a multitude of free & affordable language converters. The aim is to educationally empower and enlighten students from even the remotest of regions of the country. It is dedicated to the 300 million Indian youth that yearns for a world-class education. In 2015, India emerged as the second largest market for e-learning after the United States. The sector is expected to reach $1.29 billion by 2018, growing at CAGR of 17 percent.

The Invasion of Technology in Many Forms
There are some renowned Indian ed-tech companies that excel in providing classroom technology to increase engagement through multimedia. Many elite schools and students have been hugely benefitted from the hardware and multimedia content provided by the ed-tech firms. The sole aim is to make the classrooms livelier and more interactive with quality content. It is expected that this form of learning can be a boon for rural areas where there is a shortage of good teachers. There is also a shortage of content creators of multimedia learning material in regional languages like Tamil, Telugu or Oriya.

There are also ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software dedicated to Education, that are designed to gain efficiency in tasks like scheduling classes, planning budget allocation etc. It also helps in effective communication with students via email; automated calling using cloud telephony and SMS.Then there are ‘Performance Management and Tracking Systems’ that measure the progress of students systematically. There are also various benefits from flipped classrooms, where students are engaged in practicing, experiencing, sharing things and gaining knowledge in a collaborative environment.And there are many more new and evolving methods of learning via technology, that are improving the learning processes.

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
Ed-Tech firms are increasingly leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to move away from ‘one size fits all approach’ and devise customized learning solutions. This will enable students to learn at own pace It is often seen that most of the teachers fail in correctly identifying the individual learning needs of their students whereas AI model can tackle this problem to a certain extent. Teachers can always complement the Al system and help weak students. With the aid of AI and Machine Learning, it would be easy for students to get access to education remotely. Although this method can be used to educate both children and adults, it is unlikely that it will replace teachers with robots or machines.

The Tech-Impact on Academic Researchers
The impact of the Internet can also be seen in the increase in scientific research and academic publishing. Over the past few years, we have seen a rapid and impactful transition of text from hard copy to electronic files, which are easier to access and transport. This is the reason why there has been a continuous increase in the publication of academic research works and books. The availability of open educational resources that could be easily transported with just a click, has opened new avenues for further development of research work by providing the cutting-edge user experience.Whether its implications on education may be a boon or a bane,technology with its all-pervading impact, is here to stay.