Kingsuk Mitra
Addressing the aforementioned challenges is Prajukti Consultants, headquartered in Gurgaon, with its three-pronged approach of delivering cost-effective design solutions, ensuring fast delivery of design and providing out-of-the-box solutions. "We are addressing the finance and lack of manpower problem by providing economic solutions and easy-to-build structures. With cutting edge software, we have developed a highly efficient system that delivers fast and error-free design solutions," informs Kingsuk Mitra, Founder of Prajukti Consultants.
Adopting a highly professional approach, the company provides end-to-end design solutions with in-house capability of architectural and MEP services.
The company has its own licenses of various high-end design and detailing software. The team of dedicated professionals has had wide exposure to various design engineering codes, both national and international. Additionally, the team's proficiency lies in all types of Steel, Concrete and Hybrid structures.
Tapping into the potential this market has to offer, Prajukti Consultants prides itself on having its presence in terms of projects and associates throughout the country, neighbouring countries and Africa. The company has worked with a gamut of clientele completing a myriad of projects such as very long-span steel buildings like aircraft hangers, multi-storied buildings in steel/hybrid type construction, complex industrial structures, concrete multi-storied buildings in just shear-wall, large bulk storages for liquid or grains and complex architectural structures, to name a few.
Some of the notable projects the company has worked on are building a 4.5L sq.ft. ASRS warehouse facility for the ITC at Trichy and Kapurthala and architecting a complete army barrack at Ladakh in steel ensuing extreme fast installation and use. The structure at Ladakh has a unique capacity for thermal insulation and bearing snow loads. Additionally, the team has designed the main auditorium building for the only Opera House in the country called the Nautanki Mahal in the Kingdom of Dreams in Gurgaon. "The roof contained the unique feature of hoisting artistes. The roof also contained the services facility for light and sound systems," adds Kingsuk.
Prajukti Consultants had designed the removable but huge central stage for the opening ceremony of the commonwealth games in the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New delhi. The structure was designed without any foundation and was designed in a manner that it could be dismantled within 8 hours before the games started the next morning. Another project includes 110m wide Rafale hangar in Ambala which not many people in our country have the ability to design that span.
Peeking into the Future
With a vision to continually deliver the best quality of service, the team at Prajukti Consulting is currently working on innovating structural elements that will serve as path-breaking in replacing the various present costly systems. Making huge strides in this domain, the company envisions expanding its global footprint and also partnering with other similar minded design setups.
Tapping into the potential this market has to offer, Prajukti Consultants prides itself on having its presence in terms of projects and associates throughout the country, neighbouring countries and Africa. The company has worked with a gamut of clientele completing a myriad of projects such as very long-span steel buildings like aircraft hangers, multi-storied buildings in steel/hybrid type construction, complex industrial structures, concrete multi-storied buildings in just shear-wall, large bulk storages for liquid or grains and complex architectural structures, to name a few.
Some of the notable projects the company has worked on are building a 4.5L sq.ft. ASRS warehouse facility for the ITC at Trichy and Kapurthala and architecting a complete army barrack at Ladakh in steel ensuing extreme fast installation and use. The structure at Ladakh has a unique capacity for thermal insulation and bearing snow loads. Additionally, the team has designed the main auditorium building for the only Opera House in the country called the Nautanki Mahal in the Kingdom of Dreams in Gurgaon. "The roof contained the unique feature of hoisting artistes. The roof also contained the services facility for light and sound systems," adds Kingsuk.
Adopting a highly professional approach, the company provides end to-end design solutions with in-house capability of architectural and MEP services
Prajukti Consultants had designed the removable but huge central stage for the opening ceremony of the commonwealth games in the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New delhi. The structure was designed without any foundation and was designed in a manner that it could be dismantled within 8 hours before the games started the next morning. Another project includes 110m wide Rafale hangar in Ambala which not many people in our country have the ability to design that span.
Peeking into the Future
With a vision to continually deliver the best quality of service, the team at Prajukti Consulting is currently working on innovating structural elements that will serve as path-breaking in replacing the various present costly systems. Making huge strides in this domain, the company envisions expanding its global footprint and also partnering with other similar minded design setups.