James Vineeth
Founder and Chief Evangelist
If we speak of India, the country has been one of the fastest-growing economies of the world, attributing to the fast development of entrepreneurship and all the support startups have from the government. As the ambassador of India said, without a good startup, there is no development of economic growth. Their role as leaders has always been demanding, one must have capabilities of coping with the risk, gathering a talented group of people, marketing knowledge, industry expertise, and managing expenses, to name a few. With this, many Entrepreneur Forums are catering to the organizational leaders/entrepreneurs by offering many personal/professional benefits, and most crucially helping them to grow their business further. One of the most important benefits by joining a community of like-minded people who face some of the same challenges and opportunities as you, it really does open up a wealth of knowledge and a world of possibilities. Furthermore, access to the forum's altruistic peer-to-peer mentoring programme offers the chance to build relationships and learn from a peer group of business leaders. There are many forums, but there is no single forum that aims toward implementation and action-taking of entrepreneurial learning.
Speaking of which, a completely digital DIY model where entrepreneurs can join, learn and grow from each other's experience and perfectly designed chapter wise courses from Growth Foundation International (GFI). It is one of the latest, and most innovative forums where entrepreneurs can register themselves as members and learn the tricks of their respective trades and grow their business by themselves. Backed with extensive research across 125+ industry segments, Revelation Management Consulting has evolved steadily. GFI's root comes from Revelation Management Consulting India PVT LTD which has been empowering SMEs to level up their business as per the changing market dynamics.
"We used to offer live programs that included leadership master class, sales master class, business development program, which we call it as BSB (Business Scale-Up Blueprint). We also took up some consulting for companies, wherein, we'll train them for 6 months to One year. We'll be able to achieve the said result as per the need. Business is all about scalability. Hence to help the entrepreneurs in their growth's bandwagon, we have established GFI and taken it global so as to blanket across every sector and geographical region," highlights James Vineeth, Founder and Chief Evangelist at GFI.
Ensuring Success with Three Circle Approach
The GFI approach comes with three circles, wherein, the first circle is the circle of existence. There are certain concepts which are learnt at the first circle/steps to run a business. Thereafter, there is a circle of awareness, where an entrepreneur is trying to know more about new things; for instance ad strategy in ads. So, knowing new aspects will push the entrepreneur from the circle of existence, to the circle of awareness. And then, the third and the bigger circle is the circle of mastery; entrepreneurs not only know what it is, but now stride towards mastering the particular area.
This is not just a platform where you just learn things, but rather, it is a totally customizable DIY model, wherein coaching deliverability ensures to meet every need of that particular member.
"We have created a week-on-week support system where they can always come back and clear their doubts and enable co-learning. We're also looking at chapters across numerous business fronts in multiple cities. We've got like 20+ chapters, wherein, new chapters are launched across every new Zone periodically. The main objective of these chapters is to learn and discuss businesses among entrepreneurs and come to a solution to overcome the hurdles faced in their business," signifies James Vineeth.
"A movement is what we are trying to create. We want to deliver GFI into every single country. We also have a franchising system, where for every particular Zone, there will be chief catalyst/GFI partner, who will be incharge of running the programs in that particular city. And there will be new chapters launching in that city, wherein members will be able to learn, and chapters will be in meeting twice a month," he adds.
Unique Methodology towards Business Knowledge
GFI has a very unique methodology which they call BSB (Business Scale-Up Blueprint). Speaking of which, anybody who joins as a member in GFI, they go through a twelve days intense online training. And, during that period, whatever is needed for a business to scale up a particular business will be covered completely. This acts as the principle for GFI, wherein, updates of topics, and whatever is needed for business growth are covered and delivered to its optimum.
The Central Nervous System of GFI
James Vineeth is also the author of one of the best-selling books called "100 Hacks for Business Growth". The book highlights about 100 things which a business needs to grow and become successful. This book covers every durable, implementable, and actionable plan to meet a particular business' objectives. James has been the central nervous system for the success of Revelation Management Consulting and GFI. His contribution from a vast exposure of 15+ Years in Training, Coaching and Consulting across multiple domains and Countries has created numerous successful business stories. With a vision of leaving an impact in the world, James lives a life of purpose so as to help every entrepreneur to take high-end leadership transformation in their professional journey. He has been on a mission to be able to impact at least a million business owners to take their businesses to the next level.
James always had a vision towards bigger picture, He has been fluent across different professional roles from sales, marketing to hardcore digital marketer, financial consultant, and accounting. He has also headed recruitment for companies. "When I look back at my journey, all the dots are beautifully connected, and that bigger picture is simply called GFI," James proudly said.
"With BSB, we try to focus on the skeleton of a strong growth oriented company. So, we put that into 12 modules, wherein, we deal with questions such as how to have a strong mission that inspires the business owners, employees, investors and even the customers. Then we orient them in terms of why actually they are doing the business, how can one do a purposeful business etc."
As many people are missing to see the business profits as there is always a fluctuation in the income, and expense. Hence to solve this problem, GFI has developed a tool, where organizations can actually track expense/income step by step. From handholding organizations in launching premium products, to initiate performance measurement, their team has been supporting.
Playing the Numbers Game
We believe that the business is all about playing the numbers game in the right way. And GFI will empower every business owner to play the numbers in the right way. GFI will be one such entity where any business can act upon their challenges to seamlessly grow their business. We offer special sessions for each respective industry domain so as to delve deeper into the business and offer the solution to every challenge. We try to aid them across every aspect, from marketing, to creating operational models, to training employees and also bridging the gap between them and the top management. GFI act as an ultimate support team for the organizational leaders with respect to every parameter.
"Currently, we're creating something called Growth Evangelist, wherein we bring in experts from every walk of life, irrespective to which industrial domain he/she might be focused with. These evangelists will empower members with every needed knowledge and expertise to grow their business," concludes James.
GFI is also coming up with an approach that is named as Growth Coachers, where various experts will help members to optimally reap the benefits of our BSB system; thus turning their business around to help them acquire more clients and expand their business. The whole idea of a growth coach is to enable GFI's members across every geographical region to always have someone who can handhold them in their business journey.
As the tag lines reads, GFI is and will always be an Entrepreneur Ecosystem for #Skyrocketinggrowth.
"We have created a week-on-week support system where they can always come back and clear their doubts and enable co-learning. We're also looking at chapters across numerous business fronts in multiple cities. We've got like 20+ chapters, wherein, new chapters are launched across every new Zone periodically. The main objective of these chapters is to learn and discuss businesses among entrepreneurs and come to a solution to overcome the hurdles faced in their business," signifies James Vineeth.
"A movement is what we are trying to create. We want to deliver GFI into every single country. We also have a franchising system, where for every particular Zone, there will be chief catalyst/GFI partner, who will be incharge of running the programs in that particular city. And there will be new chapters launching in that city, wherein members will be able to learn, and chapters will be in meeting twice a month," he adds.
Unique Methodology towards Business Knowledge
GFI has a very unique methodology which they call BSB (Business Scale-Up Blueprint). Speaking of which, anybody who joins as a member in GFI, they go through a twelve days intense online training. And, during that period, whatever is needed for a business to scale up a particular business will be covered completely. This acts as the principle for GFI, wherein, updates of topics, and whatever is needed for business growth are covered and delivered to its optimum.
The Central Nervous System of GFI
James Vineeth is also the author of one of the best-selling books called "100 Hacks for Business Growth". The book highlights about 100 things which a business needs to grow and become successful. This book covers every durable, implementable, and actionable plan to meet a particular business' objectives. James has been the central nervous system for the success of Revelation Management Consulting and GFI. His contribution from a vast exposure of 15+ Years in Training, Coaching and Consulting across multiple domains and Countries has created numerous successful business stories. With a vision of leaving an impact in the world, James lives a life of purpose so as to help every entrepreneur to take high-end leadership transformation in their professional journey. He has been on a mission to be able to impact at least a million business owners to take their businesses to the next level.
Currently, we're creating something called growthevangelist, wherein we bring in experts from everywalk of life, irrespective to which industrial domainhe/she might be focused with
James always had a vision towards bigger picture, He has been fluent across different professional roles from sales, marketing to hardcore digital marketer, financial consultant, and accounting. He has also headed recruitment for companies. "When I look back at my journey, all the dots are beautifully connected, and that bigger picture is simply called GFI," James proudly said.
"With BSB, we try to focus on the skeleton of a strong growth oriented company. So, we put that into 12 modules, wherein, we deal with questions such as how to have a strong mission that inspires the business owners, employees, investors and even the customers. Then we orient them in terms of why actually they are doing the business, how can one do a purposeful business etc."
As many people are missing to see the business profits as there is always a fluctuation in the income, and expense. Hence to solve this problem, GFI has developed a tool, where organizations can actually track expense/income step by step. From handholding organizations in launching premium products, to initiate performance measurement, their team has been supporting.
Playing the Numbers Game
We believe that the business is all about playing the numbers game in the right way. And GFI will empower every business owner to play the numbers in the right way. GFI will be one such entity where any business can act upon their challenges to seamlessly grow their business. We offer special sessions for each respective industry domain so as to delve deeper into the business and offer the solution to every challenge. We try to aid them across every aspect, from marketing, to creating operational models, to training employees and also bridging the gap between them and the top management. GFI act as an ultimate support team for the organizational leaders with respect to every parameter.
"Currently, we're creating something called Growth Evangelist, wherein we bring in experts from every walk of life, irrespective to which industrial domain he/she might be focused with. These evangelists will empower members with every needed knowledge and expertise to grow their business," concludes James.
GFI is also coming up with an approach that is named as Growth Coachers, where various experts will help members to optimally reap the benefits of our BSB system; thus turning their business around to help them acquire more clients and expand their business. The whole idea of a growth coach is to enable GFI's members across every geographical region to always have someone who can handhold them in their business journey.
As the tag lines reads, GFI is and will always be an Entrepreneur Ecosystem for #Skyrocketinggrowth.