Vikas Yogi, Chhavi Kaushik & Amit Sharma
Unparalleled Content
The main source of information for IndiaCarNews.com is OEMs who provide instantaneous updates from deep within the automobile industry, and the company’s personal sources. When given an automobile to review, the in-house automobile geniuses steer right into the heart of the action, making impeccable reviews time and again. These reviews come in
various layers starting from design language, ride quality, comfort, and mileage to other magnified facets. State-of-the-art tools like VBOX are used to log the behavior of a vehicle like acceleration, speed measurements, distance, braking distance, cornering forces and others. By taking this plethora of information, proficient writers at the Jaipur office(soon shifting base to Gurgaon)pen down their captivating reviews which usually are captured in one page.“We are headstrong is making sure our users get all the information in one page and don’t have to click on multiple tabs,” asserts Vikas.
IndiaCarNews’ web content is further extrapolated into news, comparisons, videos, two wheelers and galleries sections, and each one excels at the stipulated function. While expeditiously bringing automobile happenings around the world to the user's fingertip, the portal also details specifications of the similarly performing and prized automobiles in both content and pictorial formats. IndiaCarNews also outshines the competition at making in-depth videos of the good and the bad of the test driven cars and bikes. Further more, the gallery section
Aiming to be the top player on social media,IndiaCarNews.com has successfully gained a foothold on Facebook where two of its pages are perched at second and fifth seat in terms of reach and engagement
IndiaCarNews’ web content is further extrapolated into news, comparisons, videos, two wheelers and galleries sections, and each one excels at the stipulated function. While expeditiously bringing automobile happenings around the world to the user's fingertip, the portal also details specifications of the similarly performing and prized automobiles in both content and pictorial formats. IndiaCarNews also outshines the competition at making in-depth videos of the good and the bad of the test driven cars and bikes. Further more, the gallery section
show cases a pictorial presentation of all the vehicles in attractive angles, in & out and its proprietary 'buying guide' helps the readers make a decision without doubt. Aiming to be the top player on social media, IndiaCarNews.com has successfully gained a foothold on Facebook where two of its pages are perched at second and fifth seat in terms of reach and engagement.
Experts in the field of content, IndiaCarNews.com founders focus firmly on their content and SEO strategy where their true strength resides. Deep penetration into the SEO helps the company tremendously in making sure the produced content reaches the right audience at the right time. With almost no competition in the vernacular content production, IndiaCarNews boasts of an extremely fast growing Hindi channel which has helped it become top influencers for buyers of our multilingual country.
Future Roadmap
Capitalizing on its heavy website traffic,IndiaCarNews aims to enter the automotive e-Commerce business within next six months, and develop a native app. Having its sights set on becoming a major player in the video production segment, the company is planning on creating 360° video content web series which promises immersive experience for the buyers. With major revenue coming from Google AdSense, Google Adx and advertorial content marketing of automobile companies, this team of eight plans on expanding its horizon with lead generation to meet the demands of OEMs and in turn gain sponsorships for different concepts in their video production.
Experts in the field of content, IndiaCarNews.com founders focus firmly on their content and SEO strategy where their true strength resides. Deep penetration into the SEO helps the company tremendously in making sure the produced content reaches the right audience at the right time. With almost no competition in the vernacular content production, IndiaCarNews boasts of an extremely fast growing Hindi channel which has helped it become top influencers for buyers of our multilingual country.
Future Roadmap
Capitalizing on its heavy website traffic,IndiaCarNews aims to enter the automotive e-Commerce business within next six months, and develop a native app. Having its sights set on becoming a major player in the video production segment, the company is planning on creating 360° video content web series which promises immersive experience for the buyers. With major revenue coming from Google AdSense, Google Adx and advertorial content marketing of automobile companies, this team of eight plans on expanding its horizon with lead generation to meet the demands of OEMs and in turn gain sponsorships for different concepts in their video production.