Lal Vaghji
Founder & CEO
Significantly, one of the fastest flourishing cyber security solution providers is Clear InfoSec. Clear InfoSec, incorporated in 2017 is a completely owned information security subsidiary of AnaData, a Minority Owned Business Enterprise that was founded in 1993. Clear Infosec is actively present in the US, UK, Canada, and has now started penetrating the Indian market as well. "We have successfully finished hundreds of projects within the realm of custom secure software development (Shift Left), secure IT architecture,communications architecture, infra structure design, implementation, digital transformation, and various information security assessments and services," signifies Lal Vaghji, Founder & CEO.

Ravi Shankar, President
Shanawaz Mohammed, Information Security Officer, adds "Building security is a slow process, it is not something that can happen overnight. It is about building the security culture in the organization which is one of the major pain points that the clients face" Perfectly understanding the scenario, Clear Infosec strives to resolve the issue and aids its clients to look at cyber security more as organizational culture, work as a team, and get everybody involved in it, as cyber security is the responsibility for everybody in the organization. Clear Infosec has its home grown tool called Clear GRC that helps clients to adhere to the culture and evolve as an organi zation that is security focused, rather than just focusing on the business part. Clear GRC is a governance risk and compliance tool, wherein it resolves all the issues on
having visibility for the complete senior management, managing all the security related issues by drilling down to the risk appetite, and providing compliance and regulatory requirements which are very daunting from an internal auditor standpoint.
“ IT security, rather than being an impediment or a headache, is viewed as an incentive to enhance employee engagement in the IT department. We will assist organizations that are experiencing a skills gap in information technology, are unable to train employees on security measures or are frustrated by the challenges of constantly evolving regulatory standards,"signifies Naveen Sathiya Moorthi, System Development Director. Naveen joined AnaData in 2015 and brings in more than 12 years of expertise in designing and developing distributed applications for a variety of financial institutions. Naveen supervises the development, implementation, and maintenance of onpremise & cloud system initiatives, SaaS products, and Azure cloud services to give AnaData a competitive edge. Excellence at Par Clear Infosec's information security services and proprietary tools are certified as reliable and effective by the companies focusing on business cyber security. Its services are essentially based on the best practices, provided by certified professionals and cyber engineers vastly experienced in information security.

Naveen Sathiya Moorthi, Director

Shanawaz Mohammed, Information security Officer
Clear InfoSec comes from an organization with 28+ years of presence in the US, catering to various clients from fortune 500 clients to big brands of repute. As a result, the firm is fully aware of the nuances and is capable of dealing with those kinds of security issues seam lessly. "All in all, our experience, Clear GRC tool, along with the skilled certified man force is what gives us an edge over the others and helps us stand out in the crowd,"signifies Ravi Shankar, President. Clear InfoSec is driven with the vision of providing a complete transparent digital transformation for its customers, including all the cloud enabled workflows that they have, be it applications, services, or platforms. The firm ensures that all these platforms are fully secured so that the customers for the companies are comfortable doing the business, the employees are very comfortable working with the organization, and at the same time ensure that the organization doesn't get sabotaged by the ransomware. And as the firm forges ahead, Clear InfoSec is also looking to add more tools, wherein it is on the verge of launching a tool that will combat phishing and spam email.
Lal summarizes "We ensure that companies' IT assets are protected with the least amount of overhead, and risk management is implemented so that there is a culture within the organization where everyone is aware of it and follows the security patterns, and build an environment where all stakeholders in the organization, including internal staff, have peace of mind. And this is where we would like Clear Infosec to be as an ideal cyber security service provider that strives to ensure business operations run smoothly without being sabotaged by third party ransomware or hackers. Clear Infosec strives to resolve the issue and aids its client to look at cyber security more as organizational culture.
Clearinfosec strives to resolve the issue and aids its clients to look at cyber security more as organizational culture
“ IT security, rather than being an impediment or a headache, is viewed as an incentive to enhance employee engagement in the IT department. We will assist organizations that are experiencing a skills gap in information technology, are unable to train employees on security measures or are frustrated by the challenges of constantly evolving regulatory standards,"signifies Naveen Sathiya Moorthi, System Development Director. Naveen joined AnaData in 2015 and brings in more than 12 years of expertise in designing and developing distributed applications for a variety of financial institutions. Naveen supervises the development, implementation, and maintenance of onpremise & cloud system initiatives, SaaS products, and Azure cloud services to give AnaData a competitive edge. Excellence at Par Clear Infosec's information security services and proprietary tools are certified as reliable and effective by the companies focusing on business cyber security. Its services are essentially based on the best practices, provided by certified professionals and cyber engineers vastly experienced in information security.

Naveen Sathiya Moorthi, Director

Shanawaz Mohammed, Information security Officer
Clear InfoSec comes from an organization with 28+ years of presence in the US, catering to various clients from fortune 500 clients to big brands of repute. As a result, the firm is fully aware of the nuances and is capable of dealing with those kinds of security issues seam lessly. "All in all, our experience, Clear GRC tool, along with the skilled certified man force is what gives us an edge over the others and helps us stand out in the crowd,"signifies Ravi Shankar, President. Clear InfoSec is driven with the vision of providing a complete transparent digital transformation for its customers, including all the cloud enabled workflows that they have, be it applications, services, or platforms. The firm ensures that all these platforms are fully secured so that the customers for the companies are comfortable doing the business, the employees are very comfortable working with the organization, and at the same time ensure that the organization doesn't get sabotaged by the ransomware. And as the firm forges ahead, Clear InfoSec is also looking to add more tools, wherein it is on the verge of launching a tool that will combat phishing and spam email.
Lal summarizes "We ensure that companies' IT assets are protected with the least amount of overhead, and risk management is implemented so that there is a culture within the organization where everyone is aware of it and follows the security patterns, and build an environment where all stakeholders in the organization, including internal staff, have peace of mind. And this is where we would like Clear Infosec to be as an ideal cyber security service provider that strives to ensure business operations run smoothly without being sabotaged by third party ransomware or hackers. Clear Infosec strives to resolve the issue and aids its client to look at cyber security more as organizational culture.