Santosh Kumar Sahoo, CEO & Managing Partner
Venkateshwarlu Madala, CTO
Capitalizing this opportunistic market, the Bhubaneswar based pioneering IT & ITeS firm, Computer LAB, recipient of MSME National Award-2010 for outstanding Entrepreneurship, is trend setting the segment through its ultra modern & stalwart services encompassing all facets of online & offline data capturing, data conversions including PDF to doc, HTML, XML, scanning, digitization methodic data entry, managed infrastructure services, system integration through IT & manpower resources, customer care, and contact center. It has 400 seat state-of-the art own IT campus with latest IT infrastructure to cater different Govt. Corporate Clients nationwide. Today, Computer LAB stands at the forefront of driving e-Governance in India, with a rich legacy of 30 years in providing top-notch ITeS nationwide. Growing from an employee to a successful employer in this period, the company is seamlessly making great strides in the industry. Clearly, the journey to success has no finish line!
Tried & Tested Training & Technology
With three decades of experience in the IT-BMP industry and PAN India presence Computer LAB has woven its network across six Indian States. With one of the rarest expertise in West Bengal & Odisha, the organization decisively delivers diverse offerings like digitization, data encryption, storage, and delivering services at a much faster rate to the common clients, ensuring data digitization with highest data quality & data security. Banking upon this tested & proven expertise, the institution has been catering to such prominent public & private sector clients such as BEL Bengaluru, ECIL Hyderabad, NISG Hyderabad, NSDL Mumbai, OCAC Bhubaneswar, RDD Department Govt. of Bihar, food & civil supply corporation of Odisha, and Vodafone idea. More over, as a part of several government initiatives such as DigitalIndia Initiative, Aadhaar enrolment and e-Governance Projects, Computer LAB registered over 3.5 crore people PAN India and generated employment for over 15,000 individuals! No wonder, the company is spearheading the success of Aadhaar as well as pioneering the achievement of targeted PDS.
Leveraging training and technology as its propellers the ISMS & ISO certified company has reduced its error fact list to 0.0001 percent, which in turn has escalated its quality services to the next level! Rendering an ideal ecosystem for innovations & upgradations the firm furnishes perfect inhouse & client side training adequate infrastructure and prominent industry trainers to ensure crafting credible resources. Incorporation of Project Management Information System(PMIS)in every project ensures seamless monitoring of the projects and efficient mitigation of challenges. Implementing the highest data security standards through futuristic analytical tools, AI, chartered business process & operations unit firewall and self owned servers, the firm has provided a positive reassurance to its clients.
Always updated with latest technological trends through informative seminars, documentations and skill development courses, Computer LAB has been constantly updating its outbound & inbound services, and QA systems to ensure its pinnacle position. Relying more on human resources
Computer LAB stands at the forefront of driving e-Governance in India, with a rich legacy of 30 years in providing top-notch ITeS nationwide
and less on systems when possible, it aims at dispensing quality deliverables, quicker and faster to the customers. Experiencing a revenue growth of 20 percent YOY the company has plans of direct overseas expansion, catering to data digitization needs of the modern world & reducing the void between different government organizations through its services and provide security as value add as part of its services by being a part of even more e-Governance projects.

Santosh Kumar Sahoo in Spotlight:
•1990:Gained a 10 percent share in the firm (without Financial Investment), as recognition for his efforts, and became a Partner from an Employee.
•2003:Received State Level Award 'Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Award' as Best IT Entrepreneur 2003.
•2011:Received National Award-2010 for Outstanding Entrepreneurship(Services) from Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India on 2nd September, 2011 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.
•2015:Listed among Leading 100 SME Entrepreneurs in India of 2014 by Dun & Bradstreet.
Major Milestones of Computer LAB:
•1996: Shortlisted as Vendor for Preparation of Electors Photo Identity Card(EPIC).
•1998: Bagged the prestigious order for mega e-Governance project Computerization of Land Records for Cuttack District, worth of Rs.130 Lakhs.
•2006:Bagged highest(Five District)order for EPIC & Election related job.
•2009:Quality Management Systems formally certified to ISO 9001-2000 criteria.
•2009: First IT entrepreneur of the state to bag order from Central PSUs to execute the NPR project simultaneously in four different states within the time line of 200 days, with an order value at Rs.325 Lakhs.
•2010: Started 57 crore NPR Projects for four Crore Population in five states Odisha, West Bengal, Bihar, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka, with contract value of Rs.95 crore from BEL, Bangalore & ECIL, Hyderabad.
•2014: Started NSDC outbound Call Centre for Odia, Hindi & Bengali language.
•2014:First organization of Eastern India to enroll and generate more than 2.8 crore Aadhaar numbers.
•2015: Received contract for Data Digitization and Printing of Ration Cards for beneficiaries of nine districts in Odisha.
•2015: Received order for Data Digitization of 40 lakh records from BEL, Bangalore for Haveri and Hasan districts of Karnataka.
•2018: Received Pride of Odisha Award - 2018 from Dr. Omkar Rai, DG, STPI at Bhubaneswar by IT Association of Odisha(ITAO).
•2019:Bagged Scanning & Digitization for 89 Jails of Odisha under E-Prisons Project.
•2020: Bagged Aadhaar Enrollment & Updation Job under OCAC Registrar/EA for 12 districts of Odisha.
And Beyond
•Employment Opportunities Created: In the process of executing its projects, Computer LAB has created over 200 employment opportunities every month, for over a decade, in rural areas.
•The 1500+ employees generated by the firm are exclusively from poor or lower middle class families; those who are unable to get higher education due to financial bottlenecks. It is providing them decent earning opportunities at their localities with limited skills.
•Economic Growth: The company has continuously been growing and making profit since inception, and has complied with all the financial statutory compliance requirements as well.
•Platform To Interested Parties: Computer LAB has been ahead and taken initiatives in creating various platforms like Cluster formation, conducting Conferences & Seminars, and coordination for interested party meetings.
•Recognition & reward, incentive, appreciation and felicitation to all principals, well-wishers, service providers, and employees for inspiration & motivation on every year.
•Aiming to be the leading player in IT Services industry in the country in SME Segment as active partner in all e-governance projects.
•Opening of our state-of-the-art IT center with 400+ workstations at Info city, Bhubaneswar to meet the needs of different Government/ Corporate/BPO clients.
•Backup resources and strong financial background to deliver industry standard services across India.
Santosh Kumar Sahoo, CEO & Managing Partner
Santosh outclasses as a relentless, self confident and well experienced leader in the IT sector. He is ceaselessly creating a better future for the youth by exploring their efficiency, sufficiency and inner abilities, besides showing a new ray of hope for economic inclusion for the unemployed.
Venkateshwarlu Madala, CTO
Office:Bhubaneswar(state-of-art facility for data digitization)
Offerings:High Volume Data Digitization, Image Capturing & Finger Biometric, Data Processing & Database Creation, Customized Software Development, Customer Care, Billing for Power Distribution Companies, Turnkey IT Projects & Need based IT Service.