• The E-Commerce Model Of D2C The Nextbig Thing?
  • The E-Commerce Model Of D2C The Nextbig Thing?

    Never in public memory has a disaster affected the entire world so drastically and at such a rapid pace as seen in 2020. The past year was completely bizarre and brought the industry overall on its knees and to a relentless standstill. The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way the world lives and business is conducted. Both consumers and businesses have had to cope and adapt in several ways, and the D2C or direct-to-consumer business space is no exception. As the barriers to operating a business online began to blur, the D2C model of business started its take-off run and is now more common than it was ever. Though some might call it a utopian concept, brands are now exploring the sale of products and services directly to consumers and not through middlemen or distributors and retailer...


What does IT Take for Manufacturing Sector to be Real Digital?

Piyush Rajpal, Director - Marketing & Strategy, Schneider Electric

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Robotic Process Automation: Robots, Humans & Work as We Know IT

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The Evolution of AI is Set to Disrupt the Future of Major Sectors

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The Digital Triangle For Edge Interconnection

Thakur Anup Singh, Group Chairman & Managing Director, Marg ERP

Profitable Behaviours for Successful Sales

Venkat Malladi, Co-Founder & CTO, Vymo