• Vijay Parthasarathy: Enabling Leaders To Insulate & Establish Legendary Status Irrespective Of Circumstances & Adversity
  • Vijay Parthasarathy: Enabling Leaders To Insulate & Establish Legendary Status Irrespective Of Circumstances & Adversity

    `What happens to you, you may or may not have control. But what you do with what happens to you, you have One hundred percent control' This is the Core Paradigm on which Vijay Parthasarathy, bases his entire fabric of operations. Thomas J. Peters, an American writer on business management practices, once quoted "Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders", and a true endorser of this plain phrase is Vijay Parthasarathy, a Brand Specialist, Global Speaker, and a Leadership & Mind Coach. Vijay is a B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering from IITK. But this penchant for marketing and management led him to add on more to his academic knowledge, through enrollment at IIM Ahmedabad where he pursued MBA in Marketing/Marketing Management. This has been furthered by a splendid...


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