• Exponent Dynamix: Proven Partner in e-Learning, Process Automation, Learning Systems and Solutions
  • Exponent Dynamix: Proven Partner in e-Learning, Process Automation, Learning Systems and Solutions

    Specialized in Learning solutions, lean process, software application, training systems, e-learning and talent services, exponent dynamix maps their work across categories - specific learning, continuous engagement learning, learning management systems,assessment systems, engagement systems, change response systems, performance support/ job aid systems and of late, machine learning systems. Within an overall enterprise learning context, exponent brings Learning management systems,digital learning programs, Authoring tools, Standard/Gamified assessments, Documentary Content management systems and a few more components and apps that contribute in part and on the whole to the core purpose of accelerating people capability, process execution efficiency and performance.


Education Adopting Latest Technologies

Rama Dhuwaraha, AVC & CIO, University of North Texas System

K12 Education and Technology – Challenges and Opportunities in a Connected World

Deepak Agarwal , CIO, Palm Beach County School District

Big Data - Are You Using it for Better Customer Service?

Sriram Padmanabhan, SVP, NIIT Technologies Ltd

Harnessing the Power of Digitization

Anand Oswal, SVP, Engineering, Enterprise Networking Group, Cisco

Direct to Consumer Prowness with Digital?

Srividya Kannan, Founder & Director, Avaali Solutions

Brands Harnessing CRM Tools to Build Loyality

Ajay Chauhan, Co-Founder & CEO, SalezShark, Inc

India's Opportunity to Lead the World

Balu Balakrishnan, President & CEO, Power integration

Inculcating Cyber Safety among Younger Generation

Vidushi Daga, Founder & Director, Clone Futura

Contesting with the Youth App

Hetin Sakhuja, Founder, Lucky Stars