
The Total Overhaul of Business Workflow

For many years, we were assured that video calls will eventually take the place of telephone calls. Even though we aren't quite there, we can still see it coming. A mocking British magazine called Punch published a picture of a fictional 'telephonoscope' back in 1879. Then, around 40 years later, in the 1920s, many of the innovators working on the forerunners of television envisioned the technology as a two way system rather than a broadcast medium, according to Smithsonian. In 1962, The Jetsons made a prediction that videophones will eventually be used in business and daily life.

Here come the Internet, webcam equipped personal computers, Skype, and, a few years later, the pervasive smartphone. Video calls suddenly became an alternative for communication alongside audio conversations and text messaging, not requiring a specific piece of technology. 55 million video calls are made every day by the 1.2 billion users of WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook. The world of business has also seen the introduction of video conferencing. Over time, as the demand for better business communication increased and the video industry transitioned to a cloud hosted architecture, video conferencing technology developed into an accessible, commonplace collaboration option that has the power to actually unite people. In the digital work place, effective enterprise collaboration and communication solutions are crucial.

In this edition of siliconindia, we are bringing together who have been carrying torch of advanced communication in India and enabling better business productivity.