
A Core Component of the Make in India Drive

Electronic Component Distribution plays a major role in supply chain for providing the required components to the manufacturers of electronic equipments, right from passive components to semiconductor devices of all types. They also provide leaded components as well as surface mount components and devices.

Distribution, if observed well, is a complicated process which requires to operate within a specific amount of time for an operation to be successful. The Electronic Manufacturers when scrutinized, lack the capability to interface with innumerable companies both big and small, on this grounds distributors play a key role. Distributors help in handling the supply of different components from different manufacturers to a large number of companies. Few types of electronic component distributors are, high service distributors, Broad-line distributors, specialised distributors, independent sales and marketing organisations. There are several that distributors bring along, component scheduling, fewer suppliers, long lead items, counterfeit components and new component introduction(NPI).

The Electronic Component Distribution is essentially divided into a few categories like, active, passive, electromechanical, and associate. A massive growth has been observed in the market of electronic components. The global market for electronic components is expected to reach $191bn by 2022, of which Asia Pacific Region (APAC) is expected to capture a dominant share. When it comes to the Indian market, the electronic component market in India is driven by local demand and a growing electronics ecosystem. The prominent initiatives, like, "Make in India" and "Digital India" have provided acceleration to the growth of domestic electronics production and distribution. It is awaited how the domestic electronics market is catapulted. Nevertheless, this edition brings forth the distributors who have significantly contributed to the industry at large.